By Tom Hook
February 5, 2023
I appreciate being with you this morning to share some thoughts on the path of love in our lives.
Most of you know that HUU subscribes to a UUA spiritual resource called “Soul Matters”. Each month there is a new resource for communities to reflect on during that month. Hopefully, you have noticed that this theme is featured in the Enews each week with pertinent reflections.
I do hope you enjoy the Enews. I try to keep it informative and relevant to all HUU members and friends. The Worship Committee also strives to incorporate the Soul Matters theme in the speaker’s message either the first or second Sunday of the month.
To that end, I was invited to speak on February’s Theme “The Path of Love”.
My talk is entitled, “The Primacy of Love”. The first part of my talk looks at love as “The very physical structure of the Universe” as a “Cosmic Force” in play since the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago.
The second part will give some examples of how we can love more and reflect on how well we are proceeding in our quest to love.
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