May 31. 2020
Paula Bennet
Good morning. I wonder if there is a school of unlearning. You see, we all bring into adulthood—- identities, childhood lessons, and personal philosophies that we have acquired along the way. Some of these identities and lessons are good for us. A strong work ethic, compassion, empathy, and more. They help us feel happy and peaceful. Other lessons, unfortunately, contribute to our anxieties, make us skeptical, or perhaps just make life more difficult than it needs to be. When Thea first read this book to me, it struck me because many times peace is less about our own identities and personal philosophies and more about what we do with them. Peace can be about growing a garden or taking a nap.
Researcher Carol Dweck and her colleagues became interested in student attitudes about failure. She coined the term “growth mindset” and this idea has been generalized beyond just student achievement. Growth mindset, as opposed to “fixed mindset” is about the belief that effort makes us stronger. Growth mindset posits that change is possible. That changing even the simplest of our beliefs can have a profound impact on nearly every aspect of our lives.
I suspect that as we navigate adulthood, we are similar in that some of the lessons we carry with us from childhood enrich our lives and contribute to times of peace and well being.
For some, there are lessons, identities, and philosophies that can cause us to feel inadequate, sometimes like we are drowning and possibly aren’t measuring up to our own or others expectations.
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