By B. Don Franks,
February 10, 2019
[I thought that it might be interesting to talk about Arkansas and Georgia in the 50s and 60s when some of the legal basis for Jim Crow was being dismantled with the Brown vs Board of Education Supreme Court Decision and the Civil Rights Act being passed Given the recent revelations about our Governor and Attorney General in the 80s, it appears that someone growing up in Virginia 25-30 years later would also have some stories.]
- Atmosphere
- Personal experiences
- Positive influences
- Positive changes
- Critique of 2019
- Next steps
I was born in 1938 and lived in several towns in Arkansas until the early 60s. In this “last†part of the Jim Crow era, Whites controlled all aspects of life, including politics, education, courts, and financial affairs. We were kept separate from Blacks (except for the servants). There was no mixing of the races in schools, cafes, parties, & churches. We did include Blacks in our lives, Little Black Sambo was read to children; Amos and Andy watched on TV; and when a decision had to be made, the following was used: “Ennie, minnie, mighty mo, catch a N(word) by the toe—if he hollers, make him pay $50 every day.â€
“The “public†swimming pools, golf courses, and parks.were for Whites only. In some cases there would be a separate Black public facility such as a park, but it would be inferior to the White one. As you have heard, there were White and Colored water fountains, in addition to White men, White women, and Colored restrooms.
I remember three incidents that illustrate the separate, but unequal, aspects of this time. I was playing with a baseball team, when some Black kids came by and challenged us to a game. When we asked our coach if we could play them, he answered, “No if we let them play baseball with us, then the next thing they will want to go swimming in “our swimming pool.†My friends and I could watch ball games at the Black school and sit wherever we wanted. There was a small separate section for Blacks that wanted to watch our games, and of course, they could only sit in the baloney at the movies. The Assistant Superintendent of Schools spoke to my Civics class, asking us to be careful with our books, because when we got new ones, our old ones went to the Colored school. He also explained that a Black teacher with the exact education and years of experience would make hundreds of dollars less than our White teacher confirming the Supreme Court Decision that Separate was Unequal. [Read more…]