Facilitator Introduction
By Richard Wolf
I was one of the participants is our recent Adult Education Series called “Long, Strange Trip†which considers our Unitarian Universalist history and heritage. Today’s speakers, Chris Edwards, Robin McNallie, Judith Hollowood, and Linda Dove were also on that journey, along with a dozen or so members or friends. Over twelve sessions we watched and discussed the Long Strange Trip, a six-part film written and narrated by Ron Cordes. Some of us attended all the sessions and some just a few, but I think each of us found a surprising insight or wonderful enlightenment following from the experience.
If Unitarian Universalism is a “faith traditionâ€, then that “faith†may be in and from broader Source than an anthropomorphic godhead; and “tradition†is dynamic and moving rather than doctrinally set. We discover new applications via direct of experiences of revealed Wisdom, coming to us via cognitive insights, social actions toward justice and freedoms, spiritual enlightenments, and more.
So please consider the title of today’s service, along with our entire “faith traditionâ€, as a work-in-progress. (R)Evolutions could work, or not, on several levels: Are we talking about “revolutionsâ€? If so, of planets, galaxies, or societies? Is it Re-Evolution – our on-going, conscious engagement with spiritual and special evolution? What Venn diagrams could be designed comparing and contrasting “evolution†and “revolutionâ€? Alternate title options like “Toward Enlightened Reason†and “Wisdom Engaged†were also considered.
Our past has kept moving us forward via the lives of courageous change agents whom we continue to regard among our Sources. We are those same agents of change toward tomorrows of greater good.