January 7, 2024
Rekindling the Light by Merle Wenger
I would like to open this sharing part of the service with a message provided by our UUA President Sofia Betancourt in a sermon we might air at a later date. The sermon focuses on the seeds we are planting for new year and the expectations we have for their fruit.
(I paraphrase)During Covid we weaved our faith into community care. We built magical bridges and those bridges bring us into the present but require tending. When times are difficult it takes beauty and magic from unexpected places to hold us together–beauty and science and magic can weave together a path that leads us into hope–keep us connected when stress seems to pull us apart . What is it that we most long to focus our energy toward for 2024. What are you most proud of from 2023, what seeds are most precious from the last year in this congregation, that we can use as seeds for the new year? She believes Unitarian Universalists are most ready even when ideologies of separation and hatred are lauded around the nation, even when the bridge of connection threatens to fall. There is a power and hopefulness as each of us set our power and intentions for the New Year, without waiting for sunshine or better weather to do the work of new growth.
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