Harrisonburg Unitarian Universalists Sunday service, Sept. 30, 2007
By Robin McNallie
Recently, we have seen a spate of books produced by what The Nation has dubbed “the New Atheists.” These include Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, Sam Harris’s The End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation, Daniel Dennett’s Breaking the Spell, and Christopher Hitchens’ God Is Not Great. We might also add to these Susan Jacoby’s Free Thinkers, written several years ago. I must confess that I have not given much close scrutiny to these books since I heard all the standard arguments against God long ago when I was taking philosophy courses in the 50’s at St. Lawrence University where the logical positivist school reigned over the metaphysicians. I got “the God doesn’t exist” argument from the old atheists, ranging from Voltaire to Bertrand Russell. The new ones don’t seem to have added much to the debate. Indeed, this present no-God vs. God face off seems to bring out the worst in both camps, with the no-Goders assuming a smarter-than-thou stance and the fundamentalist theists assuming a holier-than-thou one. I find it difficult to side with either the superciliousness of the one or the sanctimony of the other. I suspect that the New Atheists’ fight is not so much with God as it is with his, her, its acolytes, the abuses to which they have put religion itself-. Lamentably too much on display in these divided times -not only the 9/11 attacks but Shia and Sunni warfare in Iraq, Jewish and Palestinian violence, and here at home, mindless assaults on Darwinism, on gays, on reproductive choice, on stem cell research, on church-state separation. The list seems endless. [Read more…]