By Linda A. Dove
February 19, 2023
I ended my last talk at the point when, in 1961, Unitarians and Universalists finally united to form one religious community. Today, in a brief overview, I select a handful of the significant issues the UUA and UUism have faced over the last, challenging 63 years. But, later, the main focus is our own Harrisonburg UU and its evolution since its founding. David Lane and Cathy Gardner will share their perspectives on HUU.
Initially, the UU Association took a directive, clerical stance towards the many UU districts even while it gave congregations financial support, including newly forming fellowships. Today, it primarily performs an educational and advisory role for our five, recently consolidated, regions. It focuses particularly on congregational governance and UU faith. Earlier, Virginia was in the Thomas Jefferson district along with Charlottesville but is now the northern-most state in the Southern Region that stretches to Alabama in the deep south.
A few years ago, pushed by vigorous grassroots protest, UUA diversified its all-white, mostly male, leadership to attract and include UUs marginalized by race, ethnicity, gender, and so on, and to abolish unconscious bias. And Beacon Press Books too has made its publications much more reflective of diversity.
UUA’s website,, has developed over the years. I do urge you to take time to dive into its well, clicking on surface links to discover many deeper pools. The quarterly UUWorld magazine is also free to UU members. The latest edition headlines Facing the Climate Crisis. The UUA was late taking on this existential issue but has divested its funds from polluting companies and speaks out to such companies’ boards to get them to change their harmful practices.
What are some other significant UU organizations you can find out about on the website? One I admire is the UU Service Committee. Its recent Annual Report recognizes HUU for our donation. In 22 countries, large and small, volunteers work in social justice programs. Poor countries initially invite UUs in rich countries to be equal development partners with them, not to act like big brother donors.
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