by Linda Dove
May 1, 2022
Our Conscious Living Adults group has heard this before. A soldier before the battle of Waterloo is reported to have prayed, “Dear God, if there is a god, save my soul, if I have a soul.”
I’ve decided I’m no longer going to tiptoe around the “God” word. As UUs we’re often reluctant to refer to God with a capital “G” for fear of offending our Humanist or Atheist members and friends. And many of us migrated from religions discomforted by their rituals, absolutist creeds and dogmas, or literal acceptance of scriptures. Or we felt distanced by religion’s imperial, patriarchal set-ups and power-grasping—God distanced at the church altar with the priests, or Gods idolized in statues or icons in the temple, or God literally being born human in an implausible way.
UUs have never tolerated discomfort well and have been rebels and innovators. In the third century AD proto, as you know, the Unitarians broke away from the mainstream Catholic creed because they rejected the anthromorphic image of God as literally three in one, father, son and holy ghost: hence unitarianism. We heard last week how Thomas Jefferson rejected the Son as God but accepted him as a great moral teacher. The Universalists broke away from mainstream Protestantism discomforted by the portrayal of an angry, jealous father-figure with a dominating ego. They couldn’t reconcile a judgmental God consigning people to heaven or hell with a kindly, forgiving God, a God who cares personally for individuals. There’s a familiar story about the personal God. A rabbi was a poor man and kept praying God would win him the lottery. Eventually, he whined, “God, why won’t you grant my prayer?” God replied, “Rabbi, just meet me halfway. Go buy a ticket!” But, of course, the idea of such a God also makes UUs uncomfortable. We can’t get our heads round the contradiction of a God that intervenes with our free will and personal responsibility for democratic and social justice activism, all ideas dear to our UU principles. And, finally, there’s the big either/or question of God’s part in evil, as well as good.
More positively, many folk, of course, associate God with the beauty of religious worship—music, art, sculpture, architecture—that all religions inspire. For Christianity, one commentator said something like: “Without Bach’s music, God would be a completely 2nd.-rate figure.” And it’s a common experience for religious practices and artefacts to inspire ecstasy. Ordinary people as well as mystics are sure there’s a God after such transcendental experience. I’ve had three such experiences in nature but they confirmed for me, not faith in God, but an inner knowing that there’s a field beyond what my limited human faculties can grasp. Those ineffable moments enhanced my awe of nature, the cosmos, and the unnecessary fact of my tiny life; and this firm unknowing continues for me to this day—call it spiritual unknowing, if you will. Meanwhile, some atheists and agnostics say the idea of God is merely a place-holder until our minds and technology solve the mysteries of life and death and the cosmic creation.
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