All sermons are the exclusive property of the writer.
Additional sermons will be added as they become available. All sermons are in
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The first paragraph of most of the sermons is included.
The Winter Solstice: Welcoming Back the Light by Jennifer Spiller on December 17, 2006
Happiness Is? by Jim Geary on November 12, 2006
Losing Faith by Merle Wenger on September 24, 2006
If It Rains on Everyone, And Your Prayers will Not Be Answered, Why Give Thanks? by Frank Albrecht on July 30, 2006
The American Scholar: Emerson’s Declaration of Independenceby Robin McNallie on June 4, 2006
Sacred Spaces by Elizabeth Ihle on May 7, 2006
This I Believe by David Lane and Company on April 30, 2006.
Circles and Cycles by members of the JMU Campus Ministry Group on April 16, 2006
Lee and Grant at Appomattox by Jim Geary on April 9, 2006
They say "never say never." So I didn't say "never" last September. And here I am again, this time to talk about General Robert E. Lee's surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House 141 years ago today. . . . . Well, I do think it's an appropriate subject for today. I also think it's an appropriate subject for me. Because 41 years ago I was executive director of the Virginia Civil War Commission. That commission, made up largely of legislators, was charged by the General Assembly with putting on a four-year state-wide observance of the centennial of the Civil War — a war in which Virginia played such a prominent role. The centennial lasted from 1961 through 1965. And Appomattox was the climax.
Learning to Fall by Claire Prideaux on April 2, 2006.
Biloxi Bubble or After the Storm presented by Cathy Strickler on March 26, 2006.
Why We Come presented by the Membership Committee and members and friends of HUU on February 5, 2005.
Moments of Transformation delivered by Ann Payne on January 28, 2006. Ann is a chaplain at Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrisonburg.
I have found that one of the most helpful practices one can develop is to be aware of the moment. This awareness brings about transformation. We are becoming…Our personalities are developing. We are forming beliefs, establishing confidence, through our experiences and encounters with others. By practicing and being aware of the inherent worth and dignity of every person, we are helping ourselves and others find transformation.
Observations on Happiness delivered by J. Barkley Rosser on January 22, 2006. Barkley is a member of the Fellowship and a Professor of Economics at JMU
The Declaration of Independence begins with a paean to the pursuit of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” At about the same time the British philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, argued that society should be organized so as that the largest number of people can achieve the greatest amount of pleasure or satisfaction or happiness, which he labeled “utility.” Natural law philosophers and theologians denounced this view as a pernicious doctrine. People should do what is right or moral and not just what feels good at the moment. However, this “utilitarianism” became the foundation of much of modern economics and politics, “the greatest good for the greatest number.”
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