September 1, we will welcome Reverend Janet Onnie to HUU for her first sermon as
our part-time minister. The Board listened carefully to the congregation during
our strategic planning input and offered Reverend Onnie this position. She comes
to us with many years of experience leading Unitarian Universalist
In this new role, Reverend Onnie has several duties: speak to the congregation once per month, serve as a consultant to the Board, serve as a pastoral care resource to the Caring Circle, serve as a member/consultant to the Worship committee, and serve as a member of the newly formed Shared Ministry Team. This team consists of Merle Wenger representing the Worship Committee, Sandy Greene representing the Board, and Reverend Onnie. An additional member will be added from the congregation in the near future. The role of the Shared Ministry Team is to enhance communication within and across the congregation, support HUU staff and contract employees, and identify and direct needs that arise in the congregation.
The Reverend Janet Onnie has supplied pulpits, trained congregations in Lay Pastoral Care, and facilitated workshops on organizational and leadership development and conflict management. As an outspoken supporter of professional clergy Rev. Onnie has served as a mentor and intern supervisor to ministers in formation and a good officer to troubled ministries. She served first, as treasurer, then as President of the Florida Chapter of the UU Ministers Association. As a founder of and contributor to interfaith organizations she is a passionate advocate for social justice issues in cooperation with interfaith partners and allies and is a frequent contributor to newspapers and public forums. Upon retirement in 2022 she was named Minister Emerita of the Tri-County Unitarian Universalists (FL). Rev. Onnie retired to Staunton, Virginia in January 2021, where she continues to supply local pulpits and, via Zoom, pulpits in North America. She has recently completed service as sabbatical minister for congregations in Canada and California. She also revived her pre-ministerial career as a professional musician, serving on the Board of Directors and as the volunteer coordinator for the Staunton Music Festival. She performs with the Charlottesville Band, the Charlottesville Flutes, and Rockbridge Symphony Orchestra. Her husband of 56 years is involved in the Staunton-based food distribution programs and initiatives addressing the needs of the unhoused population. Their daughter and son-in-love live in Asheville, NC where she holds an MSW specializing in female trauma, and he is a local musician.
Hello Everyone – I’m so excited to be starting a new adventure with you all. The concept of Shared Ministry has been around for quite a while, but this is the first time I have been involved with an intentional shared ministry team. Sandy Greene, representing the Board, Merle Wenger, representing Worship, and I will be working closely to examine programs at HUU. I am truly honored to be part of this experiment. In my mind it re-defines ‘ministry’ as a process of caring for the community among people with different, but equal, skill sets. I’m bringing my UU-centric training and institutional experience and over one thousand very wise colleagues I can call on if/when I’m stuck. You’re bringing your own life experiences, especially those experiences of life in the HUU Community.
Your Board has been very clear about how I am to spend my 12 hours a week, and I intend to do my best not to over-function while still being accessible in person or via Zoom (or even the old-fashioned telephone). I will serve as a member of the Sunday Services Committee and preach once a month – generally the second Sunday. I’ll serve as a resource to your Caring Circle and as a consultant to the Board on long-range planning.
One of my former co-workers, in exasperation, said to me, “You just make it up as you go along!” I think she meant it as an insult, but I took it as a compliment. I like surprises and am looking forward to all of us “making it up” in our journey together.
See you in September! Rev. Janet
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