The recently formed Sunday Hospitality Committee, one purpose being to coordinate Sunday snack volunteers, is seeking help from HUU members and friends to help provide light snacks for the after-service coffee time on non-potluck Sundays. We are aiming for simplicity (such as a bowl of pretzels and some fruit), so that all who are able can participate. Homemade treats are not necessary, unless baking is something you love to do. We encourage young families and their children to participate, as well as individuals and others who may wish to team up for a Sunday or two. We welcome anyone who would like to participate on a regular basis as well, such as once a quarter. (We can always find a sub if your schedule should change.)
There will be two coffee makers available, the larger one that is there already, and a new drip pot (available in September) for those who want to use something more familiar. There are also plenty of people who arrive early and know how to make coffee. They'd be happy to help.
There is a sign-up sheet near the front door, or you can reach out to the contacts below to sign up for dates not yet listed or to ask any questions. Please note that we have a small reserve for reimbursement if you would like to submit your receipt to Rich Sider.
Thank you ahead of time for any help you are able to provide. Cathy Gardner
For the latest sermons and events at HUU, visit our Community Cafe.
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Harrisonburg Unitarian Universalists 4101 Rawley Pike | Harrisonburg,
VA 22801
Mailing Address: | PO Box 96 | Harrisonburg, VA 22803
| (540) 867-0073 | Webmaster
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