We continue to broadcast our Worship Service via Zoom and are now offering a
Hybrid Service. Invitations to all services and other meetings will be sent via
the huu-activities list. If you are not subscribed to that list, please
As we move forward from a Zoom only worship platform, it seems appropriate to bring everyone up to date on its purpose and progress.
The Mission of HUU states: "Our purpose is to support each other in our various inward journeys toward truth. We endeavor to do this in an atmosphere of mutual acceptance, openness, and friendship. Committed social action on behalf of the local and global communities will be a natural expression of this purpose."
The purpose of the Online/Hybrid Service is to maximize inclusion and access for all.
We all yearn for the way things used to be, however, we also must adapt to the times we are in. We are reaching people through Zoom who may never have considered HUU in the pre-COVID environment. Hopefully, all this good work by the Pandemic Task Force, Tech Team, Hybrid Task Force, Board and Worship Committee to make this happen will lead to even greater participation, access, and inclusion.
All are welcome in person and all are welcome online. The choice is yours.
If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email those to and I well direct those to the responsible person(s).
March 9 10:30-11:30 - Rev. Janet Onnie will bring us this morning's message, Are We There Yet? Order of Service
Children's Religious Exploration: CRE is a family-based HUU program, exploring what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist in today's world. For more information, please contact at
We are a lay-led religious community offering a unique spiritual and moral witness in the Shenandoah Valley.
We meet each Sunday in the historic Dale Enterprise School House. We remind ourselves that the three key tasks of this religious community are:
We invite all who search for truth and meaning with open hearts and open minds to join us in worship, in mutual support, and in shared ministry to each other and to the world.
Whatever the faiths you have known, or the flags of your heritage — You are welcome here. Whoever you are, and whomever you love — You are welcome here. And — whether you ran in here today on little feet, Or walked in briskly, Or ambled in, Or rolled in, You are welcome here.
HUU serves Harrisonburg and the surrounding communities in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
You should get to know us! Stop by the Old Dale Enterprise Schoolhouse (pictured on the left) any Sunday morning. Our service begins promptly at 10:30AM and lasts about an hour. On Sunday mornings we hear from the congregation, visiting ministers in a monthly rotation, and other invited guests. The diverse gifts of our members and friends make each week a different experience.
We offer a Children's Religious Exploration program.
We welcome all visitors and friends to join us after the service for coffee in our Community Café (live and via Zoom) where you can learn more about who we are and how you might be involved in our Unitarian Universalist community. The group above pictured in front of our building was taken during our Building Rededication on our tenth anniversary.
For the latest sermons and events at HUU, visit our Community Cafe.
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Current Newsletter
UUs on YouTube
Our denomination has an official presence on YouTube! The Unitarian Universalist Association's YouTube site includes several videos and lots of interesting commentary.
Harrisonburg Unitarian Universalists 4101 Rawley Pike | Harrisonburg,
VA 22801
Mailing Address: | PO Box 96 | Harrisonburg, VA 22803
| (540) 867-0073 | Webmaster
HUU is a member of the Southern
Region of the Unitarian Universalist
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